Saturday, August 09, 2008

Crochet World : Featured Stitch

Crochet World : Featured Stitch: "Irish Crochet
The distinctive, rich, delicate beauty of Irish crochet never goes out of style. Some of the most beautiful examples of this work are done with very fine thread. The motifs vary and include flowers, shamrocks, tendrils, buds, stems, leaves, etc. The picot is used in profusion on both the backgrounds and the motifs.
Irish crochet is not worked in traditional rows; it is worked with a mesh background. The motifs are worked separately. The mesh can be worked in around them or it can be applied later to the finished background. This is a more simplified method, and one you might like to try before tackling some of the more intricate designs. Included you will find a basic background pattern, a pattern for the traditional Irish crochet rose and one for a shamrock. Simply work your background and sew the flower, shamrock, leaf, etc., motifs in place.
Picot Mesh Background Lace
Row 1: With size 10 cotton and size 7/1.65mm steel hook, make a ch 1/2-1-inch longer than the desired measurement of your piece, sc in 3rd st from hook (picot made), ch 2, sc in 9th ch from picot, *ch 5, sl st in 3rd st from hook, for picot, ch 2, sk 4 ch, sc in next ch (single picot lp made), rep from *, ch 9, turn.
Row 2: Sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 2, sc in next lp, * work a single picot lp, sc in next lp, rep from * and rep 2nd row.
Our featured pattern can help you practice this technique."

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